Headaches... From My Neck?
By: Crystal Natalino, DPT Headaches have many different causes, and each type of headache may warrant a different type of treatment. ...
Mechanical Traction: Can it Help My Low Back Pain and Sciatica?
Mechanical traction can eliminate your back pain! Learn how and what to expect. Learn more about our traction program.
Acupuncture: Can it help me?
By Dr. Weronika Lewkowicz, ND History: Did you know acupuncture in Chinese medicine is so ancient it pre-dates writing? So we actually do...
What Is Inflammation And What Can I Do To Help?
By Dr. Weronika Lewkowicz, ND What is inflammation? The body has a strong defense mechanism against foreign "objects" called the immune...
Everything you NEED TO KNOW about signing up for the COVID Vaccine in Connecticut
As you may have heard, Connecticut along with the rest of the country is in the process of administering the COVID-19 vaccine. Although...
Many people, both adults and children, now find themselves in a situation where they are required to work or participate in school from...